Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sorry for the hiatus! HSC and HOLIDAY

It's almost time for my HSC in less than a fortnight so for the past year I have been a bit distracted by my studies, school, tutoring etc. However I soon will be free again and plan to blog heaps! Nervous about the HSC exams, even though I am confident in getting a 79 Atar for my degree of choice at Macq....

Furthermore I am very excited for post-HSC life as I am going overseas for a month with my parents to Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Really can't wait to meet relatives and eat exotic foods. As if going away for a month wasn't enough, I am also going to Japan in January next year with my 4 other people for 2 weeks.

For the Japan trip since I mistrust anyone else organizing the trip I have volunteered to do all the organizing myself. From airplane tickets, hotel bookings and an itinerary I am fully in control. This is especially exciting and what was more exciting than planning was receiving a facebook message from my host father in response to my letter requesting to meet them while I will be in Japan. Here it is:

Can't wait to mail them back details and visit them next year. Haven't seen them since the beginning of 2012 and in 2010 when I was over there for exchange.Keen to attempt to communicate more with my HSC Japanese... I will be taking a friend with me and hope she will enjoy their hospitality and the quiet prefecture of Gunma.

Will write more blog posts on my future holidaysoon, but right now gotta go study for my ancient history exam, :(

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